Friday, August 3, 2012

Foraging/Garden: Escargot

Wriggling Fresh Moon Snails plucked from the sea

Parsley from the Garden and Forgaged Mushrooms

I opted to cook everything in a pot. No need for fancy in shell presentation here.  Poke Poke

Finished Product with Homemade Whole Wheat & Almond Bread

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Foraging: Some Recent Mushroom Hauls

Oyster Mushrooms


All laid Out R2L: Deer , Puffball, Meadow Mushrooms

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Garden: Some Updates

My Arugula is bolting already :( Oh well, Malabar spinach will replace it :)

I just planted some new plants in the lambs quarters family.  If you haven't heard of Baker's Creek Heirloom Seeds, you should check them out. They have an awesome variety of plant seeds.

Detroit Beets are coming in nicely. I cannot wait to harvest them.

Green blueberries, I hope the birds will leave me some this year.

I transplanted some wild purslane from my yard into a bowl. Supposedly it's great in salad.

First Red Current!

Foraging: Chicken of the Woods Mushroom, 3 deer murshrooms

Large Chicken of the Woods and 3 Faun Mushrooms

Chicken of the Woods Nuggets

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Foraging: Wild Grape Leaves, Yellow Cracked Bolete

Images not for identification purposes

Stuffed Grape leaves with purple rice


Garden: French Breakfast Radish

o0o0o these are good. I don't usually like radishes,but this and nice an mellow.

Foraging: First Mushrooms! Deer Mushroom

I found my first edible mushrooms. They are quite good.

*not for identification purposes

Garden: Tomatoes from Seed

I started my tomato plants from seed this year. I got so many (48 to be exact). I decided to keep 15, and gave the rest to my coworkers. I am growing black krim, beefsteak, and cherry.

Foraging: Wild Ramps (wild Leaks

I went morel hunting for 5 hours, but didn't have any luck. At least I found some ramps :) They were excellent!


I have fresh oregano coming out of my ears. I have to pick it because it will overtake my other herbs. Oregano pesto is not bad btdubs. Cooking it milds out the oregano's strong taste.

Garden: Micro-green Beet Salad

UM UM UM tastes like super spinach